Convertible Bridesmaid Dresses

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Convertible Bridesmaid Dresses

If you’re a bit of a control freak and allowing your bridesmaids to choose their own dress feels like you’re relinquishing a bit too much control, a Convertible Bridesmaid Dress allows for the best of both worlds. Each bridesmaid can choose exactly how they’d like to style the dress, but the fabric, color, and the base of the dress stays consistent from girl to girl, giving your bridal party a cohesive look.

The Convertible Bridesmaid dress design can be wrapped in many different styles to flatter all sizes and body types. These dresses are the perfect choice if you want your ‘maids to look cohesive but still be able to show of their personal style. Your bridesmaids will be thrilled to personalize their dress on the day of the wedding.

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